Tuesday 30 April 2013

Researching and Creating Credits

When it came to the end of editing our 2 minute opening sequence we knew that would would have to add credits in introducing a variety of characters and rolls.
By researching into these credits we found out that credits are now usually shown as text superimposed on a blank screen or static pictures, or sometimes on top of action in the show. Some including music over the top, natural sounds or complete silence. All using different fonts, sizes and colours.
In our case we chose to use to have the credits fade in from the bottom right hand corner, stay for roughly 2.5 seconds and fade out again over the top of our action, with simple music over the top which fits our action, we got the idea of doing this from the professional film Reservoir Dogs as we both have the same sub genre.We had to choose i font that would refect the genre of our thriller, we choose to use Comic Sans in capitals as this fits our mysterious plot and makes our opening sequence look profession, to add to the professionalism we kept the font. 



Strengths and Weaknesses of Editing Stage

Throughout the development of our opening sequence, we as a group had strengths and weakenesses during our editing and filming. i will be discussing the strenghts and weaknesses of our editing stage.

-One of the main strengths we had of using the editing software final cut express is that we were able to practise on this before hand when creating our prelimiary task.
-We firstly reseach which transitions were commonly used in thrillers to give us a better understanding.
-We were able to generate and decide the best ideas through discussing and trialling the best ones, we perticulalry liked fade in and fade out, ass this took the sharpness effects of changing shots.

- Due to where the location of the first scene was set, we have had issues with the weather. Our attempts to film have not gone to plan a few times as it was either hailstoning, raining too heaving or had thunder and lighting. So we had to rearange and go at a different late.
-Baucause we had to go back and film, we had already created half the soundtrack so it was hard to make the music fit the appropriate shots. We had to change the Garage Band track and this did take a while.
- As our computer was not working for around 3 days this held us back quite a lot and we had to catch up after school and in our free lessons.

Opening Sequence Title

The title of our opening thriller sequence is 'Hostage' as this relates back to the main story line of our sequence. By making it realte back to the sequence follows the generic thriller conventions, we thought this was a good titile because the main female charector does get held hostage so it all fits in well. We edited this font on photo shop to get the rough distinctive fuzzy feel when you look at it. As this will be shown through out the middle of our opening sequence just before the second scene it will be against a black background to give the mysterious, creeping feeling. As the Title appears the music will also be fading out so it will make the audience question what is going to happen next.