Tuesday 29 January 2013

Sub Genre Analysis of Crime and Psychological Thrillers

The first film we are analysing under the sub genre crime thriller is Memento. The usual conventions that we would expect to see in crime thrillers would include the following aspects. Crime thrillers often focus more on the criminals and their activities in leading back to how it all started. Central topics of these thrillers include serial killers, murderers, robberies, chasers, shootouts, heists and double-crosses.

You can see some of these conventions within the film Memento. For example, the narrative of Memento is about a man who goes out looking for the man who murdered his wife, while having a lost memory.  The film goes back in time to reveal each little bit of the puzzle as he tries to find out the person who killed his wife which leaves the audience just as confused as he is. The notes and memories which are most important are tattooed on his body so they become permanent. One of the tattoo's read "John G raped and murdered my wife". He meets two people who are helping him find the man whose names are Teddy and Natalie. However, every time he meets them he has no idea who they are or why they are helping him.

Memento is set in both exterior and interior locations expressing the journey that the protagonist takes in order to find the murderer of his wife. Also looking into mise en scene it is established that props such as a gun helps to emphasise the sub genre of a crime thriller.


The second film we are going to be analysing under the sub genre psychological thriller is Black Swan. The usual conventions in a psychological thriller include the following. Conflict between the main characters is mental and emotional rather than physical. The suspense created by psychological thrillers often comes from two or more characters preying upon one another's minds. This could be done either by playing deceptive games with the other or by merely trying to demolish the other's mental state.

These conventions are conveyed within the Black Swan as the main character gets the lead role in a ballet performance to play a role of 'Swan Lake'. The main character Nina Sayers (Natalie Portman) who is the protagonist of the film plays the 'white swan' which she performs well, however, a new dancer joins the show and Nina feels she is taking over her role. Nina's dance teacher Thomas Leroy pressures her throughout the film to be the best dancer. This makes Thomas the antagonist although he does not harm her or put her in danger, he limits her freedom and has control over her. Later on, she begins to believe that she is a "Black Swan" and starts to portray the same characteristics as the character that she is supposed to be playing.

The Black Swan is set mainly in a studio but there are also scenes in a house and external locations such as a club. During the scenes where extraordinary things happen the music is fast and mysterious, whereas the music during the scenes of Nina dancing is slow and elegant. Both types of music are parallel to the present scene. The director used a close up of her face to exaggerate her facial expression of confusion and horror as she pulls her feather out of her back, which is a typical trait of a psychological thriller.

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