Monday 4 February 2013

BBFC 'British Board of Film Classification'

BBFC is the 'British Board of Film Classification'. This stops children from watching inappropriate scenes within films or videos. Before a film or video is released BBFC check to the content and rate it by what is in movie. They decide this by looking into issues such as sex, horror, language, nudity, drugs etc.

U stands for Universal. U films are suitable for audiences aged 4 years and above. U films should not include scenes such as drugs, violence, sex, horror, nudity, bad language etc. The only language that would be heard in a U film would be "hell" or "damn" it would be very mild language not very often. Kissing and cuddling would be the only sexual content seen in a U film. There may also be very brief fighting scenes or situations where characters are put in danger. However, this would not last long as it would be quickly resolved and the outcome will be reassuring.

PG stands for parental guidance.This means a film is suitable for general viewing, but some scenes may be unsuitable for younger children. A PG film should not disturb a child aged around eight or older. Smoking and drinking should not be promoted but if it is, it should be recognisable that it is bad and harmful. Mild language may be heard. No detailed sex scenes or violent scenes is appropriate for a PG.

The 12A and 12 symbols mean that anyone aged 12 or over can see the film unaccompanied. However, if you are under the age of 12 you must be accompanied by an adult. The 'A' stand for accompanied. The difference between a 12A and 12 is that 12A is for cinemas only and 12 is for videos and DVDs at home. Bad language may be used in a 12A certificate film, but it must be infrequent. Violence may be seen in some scenes but it must not be detailed. Some horror films are passed at 12A. 

The 15 symbol means that the film is not suitable for any children under the age of 15. No theme is prohibited, provided it is appropriate for 15 year olds. A 15 certificate may include strong violence, nudity, sex scenes, drug taking, frequent bad/strong language.

Films rated 18 are for adults. No-one under the age of 18 is allowed to see an 18 film at the cinema or rent a video/DVD. An 18 is not suitable for children. No theme is prohibited at all. Very obvious sex scenes and violence scenes can be shown frequent throughout the film.

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