Wednesday 27 February 2013

Target Audience Research and Profile

This collage above is a collection of pictures that we associate with our target audience of 15+. This was created after both primary and secondary reaserch was completed.

In order to gain a detailed insite into who our target audience is going to be we conducted both praimary and secondary research. Our primary research consists of a variety of question produced in a questionaire, and as for our secondary research we looked into Pearl and Dean audience profile website. Using this website we had a look at three films which were Shutter Island, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo and Transporter 3.
From both our primary and secondary research above we have come to the conclusion that our target audience will be ranging from the ages of 15-45. We selected random people to complete our questionnaire, where we asked our target audience what their hobbies were, what their favourite genre of film is, what their favourite film was, their age range, occupation and class.We recognised that females are more interested in thrillers than males, whereas on our secondary research where we compared Shutter Island, The Woman With The Dragon Tattoo, and Transporter 3 through Pearl and Dean, this showed us the variety of ages, the class and the ratio of genre, we saw that more males watch thrillers than females, but the ratio difference was not extreme. For example, when you have a look at the statistics for The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo you can see that the percentage between male and female is 56% male and 44% female. From this it is apparent that the gender ratio for our target audience would be both men and women.
The majority of our target audience liked to socialise, do some sort of sport which they done to get keep fit and enjoyment, a very few liked reading. As we didn't have long to find out about our target audiences we asked people in a 5 mile radius, coming from places such as Windsor, Slough, Datchet, Bracknell, Eton and Old Windsor. From our questionnaire we can see we questioned people will all different types of occupation such as managers, sales assistance, teachers and students. All of our target audience were Middle class earning either a low wage of between £0-200 a week which were students with part time jobs, or £600-800 depending on the occupation.
From establishing our target audience we are now aware of what elements from our video would attract them. Our clip will attract our target audience by using generic thriller crime conventions such as enigma, the audience are old enough to work out and question what is going on without giving away too much. It will also contain scenes of violence and drugs and influence of sexual abuse which will also keep them engaged throughout. We have included both a antagonist and a protagonist which are commonly used in thrillers, this will help the audience to have a clearer view on the storyline, resulting in them wanting to watch more.

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