Tuesday 12 February 2013

Pitch Presentation Of Ideas

As a group we created a power point presentation of our initial ideas for our thriller opening sequence. Our presentation included the narrative of our opening sequence, the location where it will be set, the props, costume and make up we would need, who will be taking each individual job role, who the main characters will be, and our title. We thought about each micro area carefully in order to create a opening sequence to the best of our ability fulfilling our specification. To improve our thriller further and to discover what we done well our piers and teacher gave us feedback.

From this feedback we got asked whether it would be better to film our external scene in the dark, from this we have to ensure we investigate into what time the sun sets, and specifically how dark or light we want the scene to be, our teacher suggested that we test shot the scene at different times.

One of our piers found it positive that we included a protagonist and an antagonist as this fits in with our crime thriller conventions. By having a clear protagonist and antagonist it help the audience to understand the meaning of the sequence.

Another pier said that our title matches up with the narrative very well, we supported this statement by giving a definition as to what "Hostage" means and it matched up with our story line. This is also a advantage as it follows the generic thriller conventions.

We got advised to think about the mise en scene in the bedroom, which is the second location in our sequence, to ensure that there are no obvious mistakes we will empty the bedroom for any unwanted props or objects that could be displayed in our focus.

Our teacher pointed out that we included the majority of the crime thriller conventions and we done them well. When it comes to our final ideas we will guarantee that all these conventions continue throughout all ideas.

Another piece of feedback that we received from our teacher was about our location, keeping basic will help to keep the audience focused and aware of what is going on, also by using location that are local will confirm that is is available at any time and if mistakes are used whilst filming we can re do our work to improve.

A piece of important advice we received from our teacher was to carefully think about who is going to play the male character (the antagonist) as he will always need to be available in case we need to re film any scenes.

We have been told by our teacher that we need to think about specific sounds we want to use in our opening sequence, to confirm that this happens and makes our clip clean, it may benefit us to record the sounds after we have filmed as we can get the microphone on the camera closer to the sounds, we would then add these in during post production.

From our constructive comments we can see what we have done well, which we will  then continue through to our final ideas. However, we can also see what we need to do to improve our opening sequence, for example add test shots.

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