Monday 4 February 2013

Opening Sequence 9 Shot Analysis 2

We are introduced to the character type with 6 male characters sitting around a table, and in another scene of them walking in a group. We are then introuduced to the theme tune after 8 seconds of the opening sequence, along with the directors name. We recognise the location and place by a wide shot of the cafe, which fades to black this is when the theme tune is introduced, the next scene we see is a long shot of the street containing the 6 main male charcaters. In our 9 shot sequence we priorities the main characters, but we also see the directors name, the title of the film and some on the characters names. The enigma that is created in this opening sequence is the guy who we dont regonise covered in blood towards the end of the clip.

The costumes shows the audience a lot about the characters, they are smartly dressed in suits which indicates that they are part of a police force or part of the gang culture, the costume and props such as guns, money, blacked out suits and glasses are all used to portray this, this is stereotypical for a Crime Triller as we associate all these elements with crime.

The close up of each individual male characters shows the facial expresions and body language of each of them, in this close up we see the blacked out glasses and the serious face expressions, the long shot of the characters walking down in a group again indicates the culture of these characters, and are associated with gangs.

Short shot duration is used during the clip when introducing each of the characters, this helps the audience to recognise these as the main characters, and what their role is, other that that one occasion the rest of the clip uses long shot duration to establish the scenes, and the action that is going on. A fade to black is used to show the audience that there is a change in scene or location, within Reserveoir Dogs this occurs when it switches from the cafe scene, to the scene where the characters are walking down the street.

At the beginning of the clip we hear dialougue from the main character talking about money, this adds realism and we begin to imagine what their job role is. The next sound we recognise is fast pace music which is parallel to the action within the clip, which helps us to further identify their job role.

Finally, the last area which establishes the genre of this clip is the typography used within the text. crime thrillers are tend to work around font types which would be classified as masculine and bold. from Reservoir Dogs we can clearly see that this is also the case. The text showing the characters name is placed more towards the left of the page, the black background with the orange bold writing again is stereotypical for this type of Thriller, as it stands out and aims itself more towards the male gender, the oher text we see is the directors, names etc these are placed in the centre of the screen, using the same colours black and orange. "Reservoir Dogs" is again placed in the centre of the screen, using the background of the main characters.

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