Tuesday 19 March 2013

Camera Work and Editing In Thriller Movies

Looking at professional crime thriller movies, we have noticed the different editing and camera techniques they have used within their opening sequences. The crime thriller we have chosen to analyse is 'Panic Room'.
The first editing technique they have used is a fade from black transition, which fades into a high angle of a city revealing the production names. As we see this appear on the screen, it then beings to zoom in. This matches the soundtrack being used in this opening sequence. It then cuts straight to the next shot of another production name at again; a high angle in a city. These production names continue in the same location and style until the majority of the cast and crew have been shown. This also includes the title of the opening sequence, which appears in this way too. On each of these titles/names which appear, there are a range of different transitions used such as zoom in, pan, tilt, low angle and high angle. All of these names and titles are shown in 3D as if they are big letters across very tall buildings in a busy city. This opening sequence tells us the location of where the film is set.

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