Tuesday 19 March 2013

Make Up Trial

Here is a trail run of Chloe's make up who is the protagonist whithin our openeing sequence. We decided to test this out before the bedroom scene to make sure that everything looked realistic yet effective which would then overall make the mise en scene pristene. In the first trial run the eye make up looked too exaggerated and dark, so in our real filming we added a lighter tone of cream eye shadow as well as the dark tones in order to balance it out and look realistic as possible. We thought the cut on the side of the cheek worked really well as we added layers of vaseline to make it 3 dimensional.

This was the eye shadow pallet that we used, there were a variety of colours as you can see in the picture so we were able to mix and blend colours for a better effect. As we wanted to exaggerate the female character's eyes we used 'Powler' as this is the darkest colour in the pallet, this was smudged gently around the protagonists eyes to show the lack of sleep and empahsis the fact that she has been drugged. We also used a cream white eye shadow which were blended into the highlighted areas such as above the eyes and on the nose, this left a slight shimmer and gives a sign to that audience that she may have been sweating, this is a sign of shock.

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