Tuesday 19 March 2013

Make Up Ideas

The only makeup that is going to be used in our opening sequence will be on the main female character and the antagonist. This gives us a chance to think about the type of makeup we want to use on each character to relate to their situation happening in the opening sequence. The girl will have natural makeup on during scene one in the Great Park. However in scene two, when she is tied to a bed, we will use dramatic makeup to portray her anxious feelings. The antagonist will also have makeup on his hands and underneath his eyes to emphasise that he is a threat towards the girl by protraying his scary makeup to the viewer.

Picture from the thriller film Sinister
 As you can see above this is a picture from the film 'Sinister'. Very gory makeup was used on the young female character, which you would normally see in horror movies, but we are doing a thriller so will have to consider a less amount of gore as we do not want to fall into the horror generic conventions. The red makeup all over the female character's hands portrays that it is blood to the audience which makes the viewer suddenly assume that the girl could be hurt. This is useful when relating the makeup used here to our own opening sequence as we want to portray our female character to be hurt, we will be doing this by giving her false cuts over her body.

Picture from the thriller film Safe Haven

This second picture is a shot from the film 'Safe Haven'. The makeup that has been used is very natural and inoccent looking. This portrays a normal looking young lady to the audience. During the first scene of our opening sequence, the main female character will be walking her dog minding her own business, so normal natural looking makeup will be used. This does not suggest any apparent events occuring to the audience but there will be a twist as there will be a kidnapping event.

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