Wednesday 6 March 2013

Soundtrack Practice - Garageband

We have used Garageband to create a practice soundtrack for our thriller clip. We have used various tools to complete this soundtrack. To begin with we chose two longer sounds to ensure that our soundtrack has continuity, however, we added shorter sounds at points throughout the clip to add suspense to match the actions, this also emphasises the actions and adds meaning.

The soundtrack we have created has a mysterious feel which again reflects our clip and helps to add to the enigma.We started our soundtrack off with a thunder roll, this comes in when the logo appears on screen. The calm, but dark and eery music begins with our establishing shot just showing our location. When we've got an ordinary action of the girl walking with her dog, the music is parallel to the action but is also mysterious. When the shot changes to the kidnapper's point of view from in the tree's, the speed and tone increases which creates tension for the audience.

Towards the end of this soundtrack we have added a 'mysterious accent' to play at the same time as one of the longer sounds. This gives suspense and blends well together, we changed the volume of the shorter sound to over power the longer sound. At the end of this sound, a thunder clap is added to the soundtrack which leaves the audience curious.

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