Wednesday 20 March 2013

Final Logo

Here we have made our final logo on Photoshop. We decided to use this software as we could manipulate and change images to suit our ideas. Firstly we searched on google images and then we found the megaphone which looked unique from the rest. Next we saved it and then opened it up on photoshop and dragged the background into the bin icon. We then used the burn tool with an exposure of 25% to shade areas of the picture darker to give it a more vintage look. After we went onto filter gallery and chose the drop down selection of 'Artistic' and chose the design poster edges which gave the image a fuzzy background effect. Following this, we then clicked on the horizontal type tool where we selected the font 'sprint SF' where we typed our text. Later, we selected the free transform option which then enabled us to tilt the writing to make it in line with the way the megaphone is facing, we also used this tool to shrink down the writing 'productions' as we did not want it as dramatic as the main name of our logo.

Throughout the beginning of this process, we found this task challenging as we had never used this software before but we eventually figured out how to use each tool on this programme, which then aided our ability to create our logo.

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