Monday 25 March 2013

Rough Cut

Feedback from Group 2:

How well have the technical areas been produced?
- Good establishing shot
- Good use of eye line matches
- Slow down reaction to twig sound, make more of a reaction
- When Chloe runs towards the camera it is very shaky
- Try and have less shaking of camera

How well has genre characteristics been used? Can you identify the sub genre?
- The eye line matches make it more mysterious, portraying it's a thriller, but from what we've seen we struggled to identify the sub genre.

What do you like about the rough cut?
- The different shot types
- The ambient sound
- The suspense and location

How can they improve the rough cut and what constructive criticism can you give the group?
- Positioning and more control over the camera
- More emotion/reaction from Chloe

Feedback from Group 3:

How well have the technical areas been produced?
- Good variation of shots.
 -Consistent lighting.
-Used long shot and short shot duration. Not consistant shot.
-Should have heard breathing in Chloe's point of view shot.
 Natural make up and costume makes character more normal, adds realism - audience can relate to her.

How well has genre characteristics been used? Can you identify the sub genre?
- The shot types make it appear to be a thriller (the hidden ones), however long shot duration is used to much which contradicts the thriller conventions.

What do you like about the rough cut?
- The various shot types engage the audience.
-Good location.
-Costume makes character relatable.
-Enigmas created towards the end of the clip.
-Easy shot creates tension and urgency.

How can they improve the rough cut and what constructive criticism can you give the group?
- Continuity. Chloe lets dog off lead, the dog is ahead, then the next shot of dog it's running from behind her when it should be in front.
-Chloe smiles at the camera after letting the dog off the lead.

Feedback from Group 4:

How well have the technical areas been produced?
-Good camera angles and a good variety of shots
-No music but ambient sounds like the birds tweeting add to the realism
-Could be smoother and flow better
-Great costume, well behaved dog, good weather typically gloomy
How well has genre characteristics been used? Can you identify the sub genre?
-Cannot identify sub-genre as yet, maybe music would perhaps make this more obvious

What do you like about the rough cut?
-We like the different angles like when she turns around and the camera goes with her.

How can they improve the rough cut and what constructive criticism can you give the group?
-Make editing transitions smoother
-Add sound
-Cut when she first lets go of the dog as it looks to rehearsed

Feedback from Group 5:

How well have the technical areas been produced?
-The slow pan creates tension
-Straight cuts keep the continuity
-Costume of Chloe is realistic and suitable
-High key lighting does not scare the audience or make them feel on edge
-Ambient sound of birds sets the scene

How well has genre characteristics been used? Can you identify the sub genre?
-I can't identify the sub genre as no characteristics stand out at the moment which could be a good thing as it builds suspense.

What do you like about the rough cut?
-I like the prop of the dog as it allows realism
-Point of view shot engages the audience and is a feature of a psychological genre.

How can they improve the rough cut and what constructive criticism can you give the group?
-The actor looks at camera and waits a few seconds before bending down to take the dog of the lead which makes me feel she has been directed to do this.

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