Wednesday 6 March 2013

Production Logo Analysis

We have chosen three production logos which have produced films within the same genre as ours - Crime thriller. As a group we have decided on 'Dream Street Pictures', 'Pardiman Productions' and the well known 'Universal'.

Dream Street Pictures - Dream Street logo is very plain and simple, using minimal colours such as black, white and royal blue. It is simply just a black background with a road in a circular shape. The words 'Dream Street Pictures' has been added underneath the image of the road, they have used two different colours and also two different fonts. The iconography goes well with the name of the company on the logo.

Pardiman Productions - There also isn't very much to this logo as it is again a plain black background with a single film strip placed on the left hand side with the letter 'P' in the middle. They have also used the colours black, white and a variety of blue. The writing 'Pardiman Productions' is placed on the right hand side written in two different fonts but all in white. Although this picture is very simple, that is the reason it stands out and catches people's attention.

Universal - This logo has a lot more to it as they have used a range of colours such as yellow, blue, green, purple, orange, black and white, taking up the majority of the space provided. They have done this as they produce films under every genre. This is eye catching as they have used space as the background with an image of the earth placed in the middle. The company's name 'Universal' is written over the earth directly in the middle of the logo. They have simply just used one font as it is only one word and have used a mix of yellow and orange for the colour of the font. The images they have used are appropriate and match the name of the company.

In comparing all three logos we have noticed that there are both similarities and differences which are established within the production. Dream Street Pictures and Pardiman Productions have both used a black background and the same colours: black, white and blue. They have both also used minimal colours as they have kept it very straight forward. Where as, Universal have used more of a variety of colours in their logo and also more detail in iconography and the background. Though Universal have done this, it doesn't mean that this logo catches people's eye any more than Dream Street Pictures and Pardiman Productions logos.

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