Tuesday 12 March 2013

Practice Shots

We decided to do some test shots in the location that we will be filming, which is the Windsor Great Park. We done a tracking shot, an establishing shot, a close up to zoom out and lastly a handheld tracking shot. We felt that it would be best to test these as we will be using all four of them in our opening sequence. From testing these the zoom out and handheld tracking work the best in our opinion, but when doing an establishing shot in our real sequence we will need to use a tripod to keep a steady balanced camera without the unstable feel. Also we have found out that the wind in the background was a problem as it creates a shaky camera and doesn't give off the effect that we intended. However we believe that the location was appropriate and we feel that the scenery will work really well when filming our sequence.
By practising the test shots we have been able to decide a day which wont be windy and therefore will stop the problems we had when filming these shots. We can see by practising first really helps us to figure out the best possible outcome to make our sequence the best that we can.

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